Section: Dissemination


  • Marc Bocquet made a presentation on employment in the environment sector at the second “Forum Maths Emploi”, January 2013, Paris.

  • Marc Bocquet wrote a paper [32] on “Modélisation numérique de la dispersion atmosphérique accidentelle des radionucléides : l'état de l'art de la recherche” in the journal “Revue du Centre de Défense NBC”.

  • Isabelle Herlin and Vivien Mallet wrote an introduction to air quality simulation [33] for a special issue on Mathematics for Planet Earth dedicated to teachers in french “collèges” and “lycées” and an internet contribution [35] “Votre air, votre santé”:  http://mpt2013.fr/votre-air-votre-sante/

  • Vivien Mallet introduced numerical simulation of air pollution at the 2013 edition of “Mathématiques en mouvement”.

  • Vivien Mallet and Anne Tilloy took part to the festival “Futur en Seine” and presented, during four days, research advances in air quality simulation at urban scale.